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Aviation Professionals Incorporated

Located at Chicago Midway Airport

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APIs Story

API is one of the oldest flight 
schools in the USA, founded in 1973 by Bill Schreiber...


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Why Choose API

Aviation Professionals Incorporated "API" has been teaching individuals to become pilots for over 50 years, at Chicago Midway Airport.

With an impeccable safety record and numerous accolades, most recently our chief pilot, who has given thousands of hours of dual instruction for API, was awarded flight instructor of the year by Flight Standards District Office "FSDO" in the Great Lakes region.

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Private Pilot Certificate
means you are allowed to fly an Airplane and take passengers with you.
Instrument Ratings means you can fly an airplane  strictly by reference to the the instrument panel without seeing the ground.
Commercial Pilot Certificate means you can be paid for your ability to fly and airplane.

A Flight Instructor Certificate permits you to be able to provide flight instruction to get students certificated.  This will allow you to build flight time while being paid for instructional hours.  

Contact Us 

Open 7 days a week
Midway Airport
Chicago Illinois


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